September Energies

Only ten days into September, consider it a win if you’re still standing! The month started with a full moon in Pisces that had us all crying. I was surprised at the revelations in my own life that came out of nowhere. I hope you are over the hurdle of the rocky start to the […]
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Only ten days into September, consider it a win if you’re still standing! The month started with a full moon in Pisces that had us all crying. I was surprised at the revelations in my own life that came out of nowhere. I hope you are over the hurdle of the rocky start to the month. Although for the mamas juggling back to school, the hurdles continue

It is a loaded month and has the possibility of profound change and personal breakthrough. The rest of 2020 will continue to be rocky asking us all to awaken to a new sense of self. Astrologers are calling the next two months “the death to the ego” (sounds fun!), as our small selves are getting squeezed like a vice while Mars sits in retrograde Aries until mid-November. I love how the planets line up with global and personal events. It only moves forward on the 12th of November, a week after the election. One can only assume the results will be volatile. 

September 17th New Moon in Virgo

I am hosting a free zoom gathering at 1pm EDT for all those looking to plant new seeds in your life. The new moon of any month focuses on intention. Virgo is the sign of beauty. I have been obsessed with color and deepening my connection to my senses. I will share tools to connect to your Body Wisdom and start shifting our collective life from the current holding pattern into one of forward movement. 

Come with an open mind and a picture of your mother. Mine has been hovering in the ethers lately so we will honor our beautiful moms as women who brought us here to this moment to help heal our ancestral line and move forward with clarity about the next steps in our journey of life. 

If you register but can not make the time, you will be included in the energy of the event and a recording will be sent to you afterward:

ANOINT: To introduce a Divine Influence or Presence

I am so happy to unveil my first connection spray! I have grown to love sprays and they can be a wonderful addition to your connection practice. To me, connection sprays are a different version of holy water. The spray is an invitation to the Divine to have a conversation.

This inaugural batch was created with water energized in the Pisces Full Moon on September 1st, which goes by a few names, my favorite being the Grail Moon. I had to laugh as I have been studying the Living Grail Teachings and most of you know I am very attached to the Divine Sophia, one of the core divine beings in the Grail Lineage. This essence spray contains energy of the blue aura, rose quartz and carnelian crystals. The recipe contains essential oils from Splendid Mariposa Lilly to represent the Divine Mother, Star of Bethlehem to represent Christ energy and flower essence of Sunflower to represent the Healed Divine Masculine. 

Upon purchase I will contact you to collect your mailing address to send the spray.


Stacey xo

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Meet the author

Hi, I’m Stacey Tucker

I’m an award-winning author of the fantasy finction series The Equal Night Trilogy and a creative writing and spiritual teacher.

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